The Meaning To Trackers
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) is a control system designed for vehicles. To trackers, ACC detected on means the ignition turns on. And the Ignition status is the very important basic condition to decide what operation mode a tracker consequently follows.
Soft Detection
It means the ignition is not known by direct transmissions given from the ACC interfacing cable. Without the “officially” inform, how can a tracker knows appropriately an ignition happen?
All trackers have an essential component called as “G-sensor” on board. This is an unit enabling many intelligent features of a tracker, while sensing vibration happening on vehicles is one of what it can.While igniting a vehicle has no chance to avoid detectable vibrations.
A hardwired tracker anyhow has to be wired for power sourcing from a vehicle. Sharlply voltage fluctuations provides hints to the trackers that the vehicle has been powered on.
Trackers know real-time positions associating with the positioning satellite system. This competence may not let the trackers know instant ignition happen, but as soon as obvious position shifting detected, ignition status would be judged a change.
Hard Detection
As it literarily means, a tracker reaches out one of its cables connecting to the ignition interfacing cable of vehicles. It sources the “official” informs of ignition events by knowing the voltage changed on the cable.
Soft or physical detection?
To know right and instant of ignition-on events, soft detection can do quite equally as physical detection, misses are fully under tolerances. Soft detection is unable to tell instant ignition-off events. No vibrations detected can not let “G-sensor” to judge an ignition-off. Standstills could be short idling.
If you expect to know exact ignition events, and the consequent event data based on them, like stop times, idle time, estimated fuel consumption, etc, physical ACC detection is a must.