Cars On Loans Management

Stand Out From The Risks

Lender Disappearing
A lender out of contact could be a trouble, while not knowing the whereabouts of the property is a risk.
Payment Issues
Any delay of payment or claim of disability to continue the loans would turn a profit-oriented contract to a money losing one.

For Cars On Loans

Hardired Trackers
Hardwired trackers are the basic solution for tracking cars, because connecting to vehicle provides the tracker to have sufficient power supply for frequent operations. Furthermore, hardwired connections provide possibilities to a tracker to source substantial data (signals) from the vehicle.
- No timely dismantlement for recharging
- No sleep mode to save power
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Solution Highlights
Hidden Installation
Keeps the tracker stay in car without any consciousness to it
Silently Lurk and Work
The tracker creates no sounds as long as it remains in car and works to get itself under a consciousness
Real-time Locations
The tracker keeps reporting frequently for the whereabouts of the car
Removal Alert
Removing the installed tracker will lead to an alert to who should pay attention to
Remotely Engine Cut-off
Remote immobilization can be reserved for situation that has to do it
Wireless Tracker
As wireless trackers can be freer and more untraceable for placement than hardwired trackers, they are an efficient supplementary solution for tracking cars on loans. By enlarging the time interval of repositioning, a wireless tracker can last its work period for one year or more per full charge.

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Solution Highlights
Concealed Installation
Without wiring to the vehicle, a wireless tracker can be more untraceable for where it is placed
Timely Locations
The tracker wakes up as per the time set to report where it is.
Removal Alert
Not the same way how a hardwired tracker does, the wireless tracker alerts too if a removal is happening to it
Silent Lurk And Works
The tracker creates no sound as long as it remains in car and works to get itself under a consciousness
car tracking software
Software Highlights
On the tracking software, there are overviews for total vehicle number, online and offline vehicle numbers, latest events, alert numbers and so on.
Live Tracking
The software provides live monitoring to a vehicle by drawing its a route on map.
Tour Trace Mapping Playback
Routes taken can be playback by presenting on map, with historically interacted events, providing intuitive views of the trips.
Event Alerts & Analysis
The software records and presents the events happned, refer to geo-fence entry or exist, towing, removal, and the dirving behaviors. The software can push alert for nominated events as per what it set, and data will be reserved on server for a time for further analysis.